
FREE Grounding Meditation

Reap the benefits of grounding with this guided meditation.  Reduce stress and tune into connection with the earth.

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Why is grounding so beneficial?

Grounding is the act of electrically connecting with the earth.  The Earth is abundant with free electrons and when we physically connect the body to the earth through barefoot walking, sitting or laying on it there is a free exchange of these electrons with the body. 

So why is this a good thing?

Well, for centuries people were innately connected with the earth, however, modern times have disconnected us from our Mother Earth.  Spending days in high rise buildings, constantly wearing shoes and spending many hours inside means we do not experience the electromagnetic connection to the earth as often.

Some benefits of grounding are:

  • lower stress
  • feeling centred
  • deeper connection with the body
  • promotes physical healing

All in all grounding is a good practice to have, from simply walking on the earth with bare feet to more complex practices.  This meditation will guide you though how to connect with the earth even if you can not get outside.  Our Mother Earth is always here for us no matter where we are, she is the support beneath us.

What you get

A 30min video containing:

  • Background on grounding
  • Tips on how practice grounding any time
  • Movement practice to get you out of your head and into your body
  • 20 minutes of grounding meditation
  • A closing movement practice to bring you back to the present moment
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About Ashley Di

Ashley Di is a yoga and mindfulness teacher, nonprofit board member, engineer, artist, wife and mother. 

After 12 years in the corporate 9-5 hustle Ashley took a sharp career turn, discovered the powerful healing practices of yoga, mindfulness, meditation and personal reflection, and built a purpose driven business that serves to empower women to take charge of their mental health through the use of integrative yoga and mindfulness techniques so that they can live an authentic and embodied life.

Inspired by her own mental health journey, Ashley believes that yoga and mindfulness alongside traditional mental health care has the ability to foster deep lasting healing.

Get your Grounding Meditation now.

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