In this practice you will choose a sense to work with, you can change this up over the course of a week to find your favorite.
Pick one of your senses: Sight, Sound, Taste, Smell or Touch. Find something that will indulge your chosen sense, this will be something different for everyone but I will list some suggestions at the end.
Find a comfortable place to sit, try to limit the use of your other senses (dim lighting, turn of noise or go somewhere quiet, etc) but do not try to tune them out completely. Our senses work together and you will find you can not limit yourself to one but this is a practice of bringing your attention to a point and noticing what happens.
Take a deep slow breath, let it out with a sigh and allow your body to relax, shoulders should drop away from the ears. Slowly begin to experience your chosen indulgence, consider each aspect of it as it begins to ignite your chosen sense, notice what other sense it may ignite along the way and allow your mind to pay that some attention, then bring it back again to the initial sense.
Spend a few minutes exploring your indulgence and notice if it generates any emotion or takes your mind to somewhere else, does it bring forth a memory or are you just experiencing it in its purest form. When you are ready take one final cleansing breath in and let it go with a sigh.
Some ideas for this task:
Sight – watch a sunset/sunrise, watch an animal go about its tasks, watch the waves crash on the beach, watch the trees blowing in the wind, watch cars on a street far below perform a dance amongst the buildings
Sound – listen to a piece of music (classical/orchestral music is very emotive and allows you to focus in on each instrument well), listen to waves on a beach, wind in the trees, birds singing, windchimes.
Taste – drink a cup of tea or coffee, glass of wine, taste chocolate or something else you love to eat
Smell –burn incense, diffuse essential oil, smell flowers or freshly cut grass, crush fresh herbs in your hand, smell your baby or a loved one (maybe even your partners perfume or aftershave if they aren’t around), smell something cooking or baking.
Touch – find something you love the feel of, a furry blanket, your dog or cat, a smooth surface. Get someone to give you some touch, ask your partner to lightly touch your arm or give you a massage, take turns.